It’s March - Time for a Sprint!

Quarter end sprint

From our perspective, it seems unfair that March isn’t as celebrated as some of the other months of the year. After all, it’s action-packed—March offers madness, a change in time and season, and is a significant opportunity to review your annual goals, figure out what’s working, what isn’t, and head into the rest of the year with renewed motivation and focus.

A Q1 review is arguably one of the highest leverage meetings you’ll have with your team (and yourself!) all year; the actions taken afterward will significantly impact your team’s trajectory for the rest of 2023. Before moving on to the new and exciting challenges that await in Q2, it is vital to take stock of where you’ve been, what you’ve accomplished, and what you may need to adjust. Here are five questions to help you and your team stay on track and adapt confidently.

1. What are our yearly and quarterly objectives?

The answer to this question isn't always as apparent as it seems. Although you undoubtedly made a plan for yourself and your team at the end of last year and have revisited your progress throughout the quarter, even the most carefully laid objective can change over time. Has anything changed to your annual goals since you put your Q1 plan into action? The end of the year might seem far off, but having your year-end in mind now can help clarify your goals.

2. What were our major wins, challenges, and setbacks?

Growing research suggests that celebrating even small wins is profoundly beneficial. So, take the time to find and acknowledge any victories or significant progress to remind you and your team that every little bit of effort counts. Meanwhile, gathering data about your challenges and setbacks can take a little of the sting out and help you view your Ls objectively, the same way an athlete might review game footage to figure out a problem.

3. Did anything surprise us?

Circumstances can change wildly, in and out of the workplace. Sometimes, the change can be good and healthy, the same way that stress can be helpful. Others, not so much, and lead to displacing other projects or commanding excessive time or attention. To gather a bird's eye view of your Q1 progress, note what unplanned projects or major concerns surfaced during the quarter. For example, what did they affect and why? Getting a handle on any patterns in this regard may help you ward off similar distractions for the rest of the year.

4. Where can we improve?

You now have a clearer picture of how you and your team did in Q1. You also have a clear view of where there's room for improvement. Moreover, by taking the time to note growth edges now, you'll establish a baseline to recognize and stop negative patterns in their tracks if the same issues need to be addressed quarter after quarter. The end of Q1 is also an ideal time to start planning for needs you or your team may need in the rest of the year, especially if they require applications or a budget.

5. What’s our action plan?

You've reminded yourself of your overall goals, analyzed how you and your team did in Q1 and identified room for growth. Now, you are in an excellent position to decide about your Q2 plan. Here are some questions to consider as you create your plan:

  • Is my annual goal clear, and can I break it down into quarterly goals? 

  • To meet my Q2 goals, do my team, or I need anything I do not currently have?

  • What are my personal goals as a leader for Q2?

  • Has my team or our priorities changed?

  • What challenges or setbacks might I encounter, and how’ll I handle them?

Your responses to these questions will show you where you may need to adjust your Q2 plan to meet your yearly goals.

Going through the process of reviewing your Q1 and planning your Q2 helps you perform at your best year-round. Asking yourself questions like these help you regularly address wins, embrace positive change, and confidently adjust.

If you are in need of help identifying your next steps, contact us today for guidance. We will put an actionable plan in place that will create an environment and strategy to meet and exceed your goals!

Laura Boyd2 Comments