How to Make the Most of Your New Year

Fresh Start

Every January 1st, people all over the world see the new year as a symbolic fresh start and as an opportunity to make the most of a new beginning. Given the events of the year that just ended, this positive mindset seems more urgent than ever. However, while the events of 2020 are still very much with us and will likely linger for much longer, you can still have your most successful, productive, and positive year yet.

Starting with our “why”
There is growing evidence that commitment to personal growth provides lifelong benefits. As a leader, positive personal change benefits not just yourself but also your network, team, and family. This is an undeniably powerful “why” that can keep you motivated all year long. Whatever your why may be, the new year is an ideal time to remind yourself of it and use it to encourage pursuing growth.

Moving on to the “how”
Here are a few helpful tips on how to make the most of your fresh start in the new year. However, they're just a taste of what we offer, so if you would like to know more about these or any other aspect, contact us, and we will be happy to share more.  

Start with gratitude
It’s always good practice to be thankful for what we have. Nevertheless, you have a lot to be grateful for that deserves recognition. You have survived all the challenges that an indescribably difficult year could throw at you. Your life may be much different than it was this time last year, but you are here, and that is something very much worth gratitude.

Gift yourself a literal fresh start
Clear your workspace, both physical and virtual, of things that you no longer need. When you clear visual clutter, you have the freedom to focus on the task at hand. In no uncertain terms, having a clear workspace where only the things you need, or the things that keep you motivated and bring you joy, allow you to have a fresh start every day. Clear away that which does not work for you, and you will be amazed at how much freer you feel.

Find, and use helpful resources
At Leadership Delta, we developed an influential book called Words that Work for Leaders. More than just a workbook, we poured our experience helping leaders at all levels reflect on their leadership styles and goals into a resource that will help you show up and become the best leader you can be.

However, we realize that we’re not the only game in town! Journaling or maintaining a gratitude list can help you refocus your energy. Whatever works best for you, now is the perfect time to put it into practice.

Write down your goals
As we mention in the introduction to Words that Work for Leaders, studies show that we significantly increase the chances of success when we write down our goals. If you do nothing else to strengthen your fresh start, do this one.

Get the support you deserve
Leaders only go from good to great when they have the support of like-minded peers. Try one of our forums, reach out to a colleague, or find a professional group to connect with others who face similar challenges, and more importantly, are as dedicated to positive personal growth as you are.

No matter our greatest hopes for the year ahead, 2021 is going to chart its own course, bringing with it more hardships and hero moments. But if we apply clear-eyed optimism and positivity in concert with strategies like the ones above, we can influence how we navigate the year ahead in our personal and professional lives. Practice these things, and you will get a fresh start every day, not just once a year.

Laura BoydComment